Author, psychologist, and Zen Buddhist Priest
Seth Zuihō Segall, Ph.D.
Seth Zuihō Segall, Ph.D. is the author of The House We Live In: Virtue, Wisdom, and Pluralism (Equinox, 2023), Buddhism and Human Flourishing: A Modern Western Perspective (Palgrave MacMillan, 2020), Living Zen: A Practical Guide to a Balanced Existence (Rockridge Press, 2020), and Encountering Buddhism: Western Psychology and Buddhist Teachings (SUNY Press, 2003).
The House We Live In:
Virtue, Wisdom, and Pluralism

The House We Live In explores the crises imperiling American democracy and argues that progress depends on our arriving at a new consensus on what it means to be a good person and lead a good life and re-imagines an ethics suitable for our time.
“It would hardly be an exaggeration to call this brilliant and beautiful book one of the most important works of our time. In my view, it should certainly rank as one of the wisest.” — Ven. Bhikkhu Bodhi, Buddhist scholar and translator of Pali Buddhist texts
“Through a rich and rigorous synthesis of flourishing-based ethical perspectives, Seth Zuihō Segall offers insights and inspiration from religious and secular traditions both past and present … We urgently need the kind of globally informed ethics that this book provides.” — Stephen Batchelor, author of After Buddhism: Reimagining the Dharma in a Secular Age
“Segall’s The House We Live In is an exciting attempt to bring multicultural liberalism into dialogue with classic accounts of virtues like wisdom, courage, and justice. Segall makes an ambitious attempt to show that the freedom offered by multicultural liberalism has to be grounded in a robust account of what it is to live well and to be a good person. This provocative and timely book deserves a wide audience.” — Bryan W. Van Norden, James Monroe Taylor Chair in Philosophy, Vassar College
“Segall is a gifted writer with encyclopedic knowledge, keen insights, and flowing prose. The reading public who are concerned about the general state of affairs in America should be very interested in this book.” — Tao Jiang, Author, Origins of Moral-Political Philosophy in Early China